Memory 1. How I met Clancy

Yup, this is gonna be an entire memory on how I met Clancy and how did we end up as a couple, enjoy :3

Disclaimer : This contains OLD cringy stuff from 2020 me, I was 13 back then, please do not use this against me

November 8th, 2020 (My Birthday)

It was just a normal birthday, It was around 6:15 PM, and I had made a post in Twitter probably a few hours before, when I got a reply from someone called "Clancy", also known as @Clancy_boyo, where he wished me a happy birthday! Of course, I was really exited, since back them, talking to him seemed wayyy out of the picture (We never met before, this was our first interaction)

Of course, we went to Discord a bit after, and we talked! What did we talk about?.... That's private :3 But yeah, we just talked and talked, until around... December 25th, when the word "boyfriend" was first mentioned, and then, later on, on the 30th, was when well... I said I was unsure, so I had to take a day to just think about it. then, at 8:39 AM, on December 31st...

December 31st, 2020 (New Year's Eve)

It was a normal morning, I had woken up "early". We were talking about flexing our great English abilities and about the brexit (It was 2020, ofc we were thinking and talking about it), and well... After some more thinking from me then, I made a choice and... Well... Here are the chat logs from then :

Fery — 12/31/2020 8:38 AM Cool.... Also... About the boyfriend thing....

Clancy — 12/31/2020 8:38 AM Yes cutie pie?

Fery — 12/31/2020 8:39 AM I think I'm ready to take the step

Clancy — 12/31/2020 8:39 AM Y-you are ?!

Fery — 12/31/2020 8:40 AM Yeah!

Clancy — 12/31/2020 8:40 AM ^w^ Then.. Hi my cutie boyfwiend =3

Fery — 12/31/2020 8:41 AM Hehe, Hi my cutie bowfwiend :3

(Note that it's straight up copy-pasted from discord) So from then on, officially, we became a couple on Dec 31st 2020!

As for why I took so long to say yes?... That's a memory for another time.

Meanwhile, what matters now is that we are boyfriends! And since then, we've been a couple! Sure, we've had our ups and downs, there's also the fact that while when we became a couple he was underage and now he's over the age limit (haha, that was a fun (NOT AT ALL) year to think about), and well... We're still a great couple!

Lately, we've been quite busy with our own things, so we just don't seem to be able to talk much as before (which kinda sucks because my life practically has him as a requirement) but still, we're together, and I swear to god if he lived near me I would've fucking married him already (I legally can!)

So yup, that's how I became boyfriends with Clancy! :3 It's been the best relationship I've been ever (and the 2nd one lmao), and I'm just really lucky to be able to be with such a great person <3

Also shotout to Discord for having a search feature on pc that's good enough, and NOT to twitter because I couldn't find my 2020 birthday tweet :(

Thanks for reading this memory, and see you next time someday! :3

- Fery